It used to be good enough to say "well... at least people are talking about it!" Usually some important environmental issue gets placed into this category, but this simply isn't good enough anymore- not for me. Discussion is important. Ideas and thoughts are born from "talking about it"- whatever it may be- but talking only gets you so far.
I consider my journey from Toledo to Athens... I was so excited to get away from the harsh environment of "the city" and the neighborhoods laden with chemicals- although I have always lived in the suburbs of Southeast Michigan and never ventured much into downtown Toledo- I knew the culture, landscape and language of Athens would be a completely new experience. Although I was right about Athens, I arrived unaware of what was really going on here in Appalachian Ohio.
Optimism has allowed us to remain in a stable state of denial for far too long now. Driving more and more on the winding back roads of Athens county I lose count of all the injection wells and clear cut hillsides. I wish greatly that I did not have to get overjoyed at the sight of some iron- or milkweed.
Being an Environmental Studies student means learning some harsh truths about the world- things that we have always known existed, but wait for them to find us first. I've told my family about fracking and mountain top removal- I've brought them into "my" world and then felt guilty about it... why make them sad and bring them down with such negative and frightening details? For a long while after my first semester I was torn about my situation. Maybe I should say nothing... after all, my rants against paper plates & paper towels don't register with my family... I am often the odd man out- using a cloth napkin and ceramic plate, avoiding red plastic cups and carrying a knitted coffee sleeve with me wherever I go... I dislike the roses and daylilies that dominate the lawns and refuse to drink Folgers coffee. Crazy, right? I don't think they will ever understand why this is important- not just for me, but for our planet.
The craziest part of all of this actually, is that I did not want to bring the people I love in "my" world- this is OUR world! And like it or not, we have done terrible things to it. The only way to change those things is to get informed and get inspired to do something about it.
How does someone deal with this constant feeling of defeat?For many students in my program, this is a constant, uphill battle. We should not simply put a positive spin on everything. We can look for the hope in every situation, but reality is important. Things are bad, but every small action throughout the day can help add to a greater difference.
This winter, when the sky is gray and the grass is muddy and wet and you just feel down about your voice going unheard, your actions unseen or your opinions ignored just remember that you are not alone. People everywhere are fighting the same fight.
Over break I had the chance to watch Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (2012). I was unfamiliar with the book prior to the movie in 2012, but I loved its message!
"UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better. It's not"
~ Dr. Seuss
My message to you is to keep talking, keep caring and get inspired to do something about it- whatever it may be!